In 1991, owner Ron Perry founded our professional sales company on the premise that technology is successfully sold as much by the integrity of the individuals presenting it as the substance of the company producing it. We provide our clients with Cleanroom products, including furniture, equipment, and the cleanrooms themselves.

Our Background

Our company was originally called Ron Perry Associates and incorporated as JuleRon Corporation in 2002. However, we still refer to the company as RPA. In 2006, we celebrated our 15th anniversary. For more information about our company and trivia about the year of our founding, visit the Downloadable Files page.

One of our greatest advantages is that our owner has more than 30 years of experience selling products to the Southern California semiconductor, aerospace, microelectronics, biomedical, and pharmaceutical industries. Our knowledge, experience, and expertise are evident in every cleanroom we recommend.

Customer Support

We support our customers — past, present, and future. A customer who has already purchased from us and now requests our assistance will always be more important than a prospective customer who may purchase from us. But, it will also be our challenge and goal to assist both in a timely and professional manner.

Mission Statement

RPA is a professional sales organization conceived on the premise that technology is successfully sold as much by the integrity of the individuals presenting it as the substance of the company producing it.

We will only represent companies of high ethical standards, which put a strong emphasis on product quality, continuous product improvement, and unquestionable customer support. Those products will be promoted with enthusiasm and purchase orders aggressively solicited, but always tempered with honesty and sincerity.

Communication and documentation are the keystones to our structure, and we will always endeavor to inform our customers and principals of all requests, changes, issues, and events, which may affect a given negotiation, situation, or market condition.

A customer who has already purchased from us and now requests our assistance will always be more important than a prospective customer who may purchase from us. But it will also be our challenge and goal to assist both in a timely and professional manner and to promptly report the results to our principals.

Our greatest strength is in our relationship with our customers and principals, for it is far more important to develop, build upon and reinforce a relationship than it is to make a sale, which could tarnish our reputation.

Contact us today for cleanroom sales and service from a company that has earned a reputation for integrity. We provide services in Corona, CA, and throughout Southern California.